Thursday, October 08, 2009

Human Rights Workshop at NUS on 31/10/2009 -- "whose Right is it anyway?"

Although I will most likely not be able to attend this event because of the various assignment deadlines I have to meet (arrghh, the burdens of being a honours year undergraduate), I thought I will share the following information with a wider audience.

For a larger image of this flyer, please click here

For those of you all whose eyesight is not that good, here's a summary of the important points.

What: "whose Right is it anyway?" -- a human rights workshop organised by MARUAH, in conjunction with UNYAS and NUS USP

When: 31/10/2009, Saturday, 0900h-1730h

Where: National University of Singapore [where exactly in NUS the event will be held seem to be unconfirmed yet, as far as I can see]

Facebook event page

For more information and registration, please refer to here.

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